The Comfiest (and Easiest) Way to Look Put Together
Ok so we've all seen this "grandpa trend" of wearing your sweater or sweatshirt tied around your shoulders.
Well I tried it for the first time the other day and it is so comfy, like even better than tying your sweatshirt around your waist. It just offers this extra level of warmth in seasons like this where it's not cold anymore, but it's still not super hot out and you might need a little something to keep you from being chilly.
Also can we just talk about how much this little trick makes you look so much more put together? No, there's nothing wrong with wearing a tank top and sweatpants but the sweater around the shoulders makes it actually look chic? Who would of thought. I'm loving this trend during quarantine right now!
Well I tried it for the first time the other day and it is so comfy, like even better than tying your sweatshirt around your waist. It just offers this extra level of warmth in seasons like this where it's not cold anymore, but it's still not super hot out and you might need a little something to keep you from being chilly.
Also can we just talk about how much this little trick makes you look so much more put together? No, there's nothing wrong with wearing a tank top and sweatpants but the sweater around the shoulders makes it actually look chic? Who would of thought. I'm loving this trend during quarantine right now!